Friday, March 13, 2009

There is allredy more than a week since we arrived here In Timbuktu, the weeks are going too fast now when the end of the outreach is near. Some of us are happy and looking forward, others think that the outreach has gone too fast.
Our main foucus during these weeks here is practical work.
We left from Douentza early on Friday (27th of february). The car ride to the river took around 3- 4 hours, then we had to wait for the ferry for another couple of hours, and finally we arrived here in Timboctu around 1 in the afternoon.
When we arrived, Danielle, Tommys wife, had prepared really good food, it was so good…!
Later we (Annika, Veronika, Miriam, Tito) took a short walk around, Annika knew some places she wanted to show us.
On Saturday ( 28th of february) we had a day off to rest, but Annika, Veronika and I ( Tito) went to the market to do shopping for the school. First Tommy drove us to the baptist Church garden to buy some Vegetables, it was very cheep so we got plenty, later we went to the market to buy the rest.
Later in the afternoon we went out to take a look at the local souvenir shops, something we learned is a new way of bartering, three times like when they drink malian tea; first the seller start with a crazy high prize, then you say the lowest prize you can think of, then the seller goes down a little and you higher a little your first prize. Then it is the final, final prize; he says his final prize, and then you say your final price , if you are good doing this you will get everything at the right prize.
When we came back Bradley were sitting there in front of the tv watching CNN for first time in months.
The first day of march some team menbers went to the church( Annika, Bradley and Miriam) and Veronika and I( Tito) stayed home resting. After the church we had off, but in the afternoon some of us ( Annika, Miriam, Tito) went out to find gifts for a special happening the next day…

Monday 2nd of March
VERONIKA HAD HER BIRTHDAY, so we surprised her in the morning before she came out of the bedroom. We were wearing party hats and singing happy birthday, we had a beautiful hand made crown for her and some presents. It was so surprising for her that she still had shampoo in her hair. It was so funny… That was a really good start for a ministry day.
Afterwards we had practical work, except from Miriam because she jonied Danielle to the school where Danielle is a teacher, and spent some hours there helping.
In the afternoon we had more practical work.
In the evening the girls had prayer meeting that lasted some hours…..
The last thing we did before we went to bed was to pray and bless Veronika.

Tuesday ( 3rd of March)
Early in the morning( 6 o’clock ) we had a prayer walk, later we had practical work. But Veronika joined Danielle to the school instead. We (the boys) had practical work in the prison and the girls in Tommys house. In the afternoon we gave some t-shirt in the prison.
In the evening we had orientation movie with Tommy, after the movie we went to Tommys roof and there Tommy answered questions about Timboctu we had for him.

I (Tito) went to the school with Danielle, while the rest of the team had practical work in the police station, cleaning and washing.
In the afternoon we had children program at New life mission, there we had a story and some games…. It was fun.

Thursday early in the morning we had Prayer for the YWAM ground, Tommy drove us there and we prayed hand worshiped there.
Afterwards we had preparation time for the programs we were going to lead and have in the afternoon. Veronika, Bradley and Miriam went to the orphanage and had an hour program for the kids, after that they joined us in the police station to finish with the cleaning up. We were there until around 7 in the evening.

Early in the mornig friday we had prayer walk, afterwards Bradley left to the school and the rest of us had practical work.
In the afternoon we had more practical work.
In the evening we had men’s meting wich Bradley, and I (Tito) leaded.We divided it in two parts; worship and then a short bible study.
Than Danielle had prepared pizza for us , it was so good.

Saturday in the morning we had practical work until lunch time. In the afternoon we were supposed to go and play volleyball with some local muslim youth, but when we came to the ground one of the poles were broken so we couldent. So instead we went to the airport to buy suvenirs and Timbuktu t-shirts.

Sunday we had church service in the morning; Bradley, Veronika and Miriam performed a song . The rest of the day we had off.

Monday we had off until the afternoon when the girls had women’s meeting .
In the morning All the team whent to the local taylors and do some shopping

I(Tito) went to school again, the rest of the team had practical work, at 1 we went over to some boys’ house to have tea with them.

1 comment:

Erica Vanessa Aleman said...

Thanks so much Tito for keeping us all up to date on what has been going on! I know it must be hard to keep up with everything but you are doing an amazing job!! We all appreciate the time and effort you have put into keeping this blog up to date!

God bless you guys!! Have fun riding the camels again!!