Monday, February 16, 2009


Unknown said...

you look great guys!!! bradly your hair looks good now:) we are all doing fine ...this week iam going to meet up with the rest of the team and take them to russia mother land...proud of you all....see you guys soon...

Anonymous said...

Well suhn…I thank…you naid…a guuud laisson…on ha yer gonna daieel…waif yer coutt’n-pi’kn co’kroach…mæus…en…flyin’ ret probluhms! Yeu’n daieel waif dis ain’ kupal difrn’t wais! Yeo’n taik ker uvhm wait dat kænna Aitalaianoh thang, ‘markin way ‘n muh faivert: waif muh spaicial haimmur guhn. Whaitch-aiv’r wai yer gonna daieel waif-et, yeo kin bay shore, yer gonna hef uh mighty fine daieener…’f ders ainuthang laiuft! Uh-huh! Haiuv yer saiulf a glaiuss uh swayt tay!

NAH! Firss!...Whar gunna daieel waif yer co’kroach probluhm wit dat Aitalaionoh kænna tang! Ewe Tai’k dis hair Aitalaionoh, Ferlib, Fantusay, twuny gaeege, nuhmbar whon fitay thray. T’wer thu Gol’ medul Waeener aeen thu neu yerpayin sæd by sæd, sæd lok claiuhss, ait thu thard Gol’ medul con-cors dai-elaigonce uf fine guhns, haild et Ro’k Spraings rainch en lod’ge, in Pacines Caleeforniuh twunieth uf Aipruhl Teo Thasund Teo. Nah, uf coerse ewe ken ews er fur huhnt’n yer co’kroachis ‘n uther small gaim! Aiv’n teo pertek thuh bo’s ev’r whunts in whowl. But shai ais fur shore the coutt’n pai’kn, darn’d shoot’n purtiest thang I sayn suh’far. Aif thais lai’le daintee don’ clain yer aot-haoss uv bog probluhms waif har pr’ty luks, shai wail shore bay aibul tuh clain up dose co’kroach’s waif dem party li’l parls cumin’ a-ot har maouf! Nah! Uh gahote yuh taihuhs har twuny gaeege fur rais’n! Ye mite jist naids tuh haiuv suhm smaollar parls fur yur co’ kroachis! Cuz dey haiuv daius harrdar shaiull fur p’rtec-tion, suh yu naids tu haiuv li’l bit smaollar parls tuh gaiut thruh tuh t’udder sihde! En uh wa-honna maik shore shais gonna haiuv smoll nuff keeuhk suh ye dån bluh ye-er blo-ummin’ shuldar ahoff! Kaiy?! Su’hum gaiven har tuh yuh, sai!

Sekun! Whuht ain tar-naitions ‘r yeo doin’ waif aht a huht’n guhn ain Aifreeka??!! I thaink ah naids tuh larn yuh somthin’! Par-haps waiee naids tuh haiuv a rail maiuhnz tuh maiuhn towk! Dais ais kahld uh main! Duh whon staindin’ d’r raid’n dais! Ain’ duh owbje’kts ain daeez paikchurs ‘r kahold sho’guhns! Duh plaiss werz yer staindin’ s’kahold Af’rka! Dais ais duh plais det day, dem baig shohts, waif ahowl duh munay gå-oohz tuh huhnt! Suh yeo naids tuh haiuv uh pro’per guhn what fun’ktions pro’perly tuh taik tuh Afreeka waif yeo! Nuh, daiuhms thrai garlees ye gahots waif ye, naids suhm p’rtaiction, zwail frum duh wahld kritters! Suh yuh naids som’thin’ waif a lai’l far pahr teo et!

Heh-heh-heh! Uh whaz gonna gitch’ya ah thrai gaeege, buht uh couldn’t fine ah paikchur uhv whon, suh, uh got’ya daius hair fohr gaeege cuz uh figur’d yuh dån whonna bay ait’n ret maeet enay waze! Kord’n tuh duh bo’s et Fort Lew’s aiun Warshington Stait, ain hunners aid-u-kation. T’rdishinlay “gaeege” urfars tuh hah mainy uh dem li’l bay-bays ez aiun duh shail! Suh’f’yuh’haiuz “twaiulv” uh doe’s li’l thangs aiun thuh shail yeo gots yer sailf uh twaiulv gaeege. ‘n ef yeo gots fohr ain thur ‘n thai fails uhp da hole blommin’ shail, yeo gots uh fine’n’daiundy fohr gaeege. Jis’ whonna lehtch’ya nose, det yuh kaint taik’er home wai’cha doe, cuz der ‘llegal aiun da Yeo-euss uf Aee! ‘lehuss, yeo’n sawh ahoff da fraun’ sæt’n gituh hole buhn’ch uh maitul paups fruhm da sto-er tuh maiul home tuh yer saiulf!...en yeo’n mai’kih loohk læk shais nuth’n boht uh-nother pæp. Ain ainee kaees, ah dån kares ef u ez sheoot’n co’kroachis, flahin’ rets ‘r Raiuhts of Uhn-yu-shul Sæs waif ‘er! Shais gonna blohw thaium li’l naiusty kraiturs ahowl thuh wai bahks tuh ‘mer’kuh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Hair haiuv yer saiulf uh-nuthar glaiuss ov haom mayd æss tay.

Yeo’ve duhn suhm fæn war’ der uhtaimptin tuh taik æht uh mæuss waeet nuttin’ buhtch’er haind! Whar gunna haiuf tuh sait’chu’uhp waif uh nææss ol’ faishun sho’guhn! Lhooks lak yeo naids suhm hailp tuh taik ker uh daims li’l mæussys! Nah! Aif yeo whants, I’mownah gaiv yeo daius hair Staiven’s twaiulv gaeege! Shai ain’t duh partiest thang ah go-ots, buht ah taiuls yhu whot, daius har haimmar guhn whuhz muh Graimpahs sho’gun ‘fore hai paiusssed ‘way! Uh, shar doo lahker! Firss time uh shoter, ah wuz ait da rainge, aiun’uh lohoded’er uhp waif teo shails tuh sheoot uh ku’pl uh klai tahr’gets, w’hon rhaut aifter t’uhdder. Uh haid w’hon fainger ohon da traiger. Uh skwaizd ohff…sheoot! Naiust thang I know’d, duh tahrget whar nuffin buht a blaik’kloud ‘n’uh’whuz staindin ohown’muh baik laig try-nuh kaip off muh bhutt! Darn’d aiuf båt haimmers haidn’t droupped ait duh saim tahm n’sait bo’ff shails a burnin’, kina lahk uh paig ohn uh bohttal uh lax-a-taiv! Dain,mai’n muh poups’n’ah gits tuh’duh naiukst staiti’n n’muh hay, saius, “W’llMaibee ye’udder faingar wuhz teo clohse tuh’da baiuk treeger. Whai dån yuh load’r uhp’n tri’dagin. Suh ah loaded’r uhp, kowk’d båt barr’ls’n’laiterip! Noht kwat shore whut haippen tuh duh tar’get, buht, uh shore daiud git muh chaick bown puhnch good’nhahrd wait’ dat contt’n paik’n guhn. Muh shohld’r shore failt fuhnny fur du’ nais’ kupol daiz! Suh, uh nose wohn thang’s fur shore, f’yeo wants tuh sheoot suhm li’l mæuss waif er, ain dån wohnna haif tuh sheoot’m uh saikund tahm, yeo, jist raht’n go uh haiud’n kowk bowff barr’lls fur’yeo kin saiun thait laidle mæssy tuh mæssy haiv’n. Thai’n y’kn raic’ yer mine n’ haiv yer sailf a good nahts raiust! Ah’n gurr’ntai s’gohnna bay duh baiss naht slaip yeo haid ain uh lah-hong tahm!

Uhm saary? W’hot daid yeo sai uh baiot uh laizard? I’mohna tail yeo whot! Yeo jist aiusk thait garl thur wait dat kænna Aitalaionoh thang! I’m shore shai kin taik ker uh yer li’l probluhm! Håp yeo haiv yer self uh paisful nahts raists aind uh good raist uhv yer ahtreech! I’m shore d’raist uhv duh wald laf ais gohna bay hah’ppy ‘bout uh fhew laius flyin’ rets! Haiv uh Doh’kter Paiper fur da rode n’taik kare nah! Ya haier!